About me
No stranger to education, I was a teacher for 25 years and have a huge passion for self-development. In 2011, I received intensive training in Neuro-linguistic Programming and Clinical Hypnosis, both of which amplified the power of my mind and intensified my love of the subject.
In 2018 I completed a Master’s degree in Coaching and Mentoring, which inspired me to re-ignite my coaching business.I’m a lifelong student of many of the amazing teachers associated with mindset and positivity. For me, life is all about expanding my knowledge and skills through reading, being coached, and walking the walk.
While my formal education and training is important, it’s not what makes me a great coach. It’s all about having the ability to ask the thought provoking and challenging questions that are required for deep transformations. The most successful clients are those that take the action steps we created together, challenge their belief systems and are prepared to be uncomfortable and embrace change.
Why choose me?
Now in my 50s, I’m no stranger to adversity, having faced challenges of my own. I’ve been married (and divorced) twice and have raised my two girls alone for many years, one of whom has learning challenges and deafness. I suffered from post-natal depression after both births and found motherhood a huge and difficult adjustment.
I survived most of my 30s and some of my 40s in a state of mere existence. I was stuck in a career that made me unhappy, I fell into turbulent relationships that did more harm than good and experienced chronically low self-esteem. After spending a long time trying to run away from the negative thoughts inside my head, I decided it was time to choose whether to be a victim or victor. I realised that my past would not define my present and that if I wanted a better future, health and relationships, I had to create it. I looked afresh at my single parent status and let it empower me, celebrating my independence and freedom rather than feeling like a failure, full of shame. I took stock of all my amazing experiences and decided to swap my misery for gratitude.
I now believe that I’ve had an extremely good life so far. Why? Because I took what wasn’t working and changed my mindset and thinking around it. And as a result, my actions have enhanced my life. Of course, there are always areas to work on and improve. My relationships are happy and healthy, I live debt-free, I’m in wonderful health and have a supportive and loving family and friends. I am happily married to my wonderful partner. I look after my mind and nourish it with good content and conscious thinking. I’ve got no room for negativity and I’m conscious of all that I consume both visually and audibly.
How would people describe me?
My friends and clients tell me that I have great energy, motivation and a real zest for life. I love laughing and dancing and being very childlike at times. I have a great sense of humour and while some topics can be quite heavy, there will always be laughter to lighten the load. Life is supposed to be fun!
I’ve travelled extensively, met so many interesting people along the way and gained some wonderful insights into different cultures and ways of living. People fascinate me and I love getting to know them on a deeper level.
“It’s not the big moves that change everything—it’s the smallest ones in your everyday life that do.”