How can the Compound effect help us?
“A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else.”
So what is the Compound effect?
The Compound Effect is a series of small actions that can lead to great rewards. The compound effect is in action every moment, whether we know it or not. Every small decision that we make every day, can impact our lives. Huge rewards can be achieved from small, seemingly insignificant actions, BUT it takes time.
You cannot improve on something until you measure it. If you know your starting point and where you are now, it is easier to measure progress. It empowers you to always take 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to you.
The biggest challenge is taking the actions from the primal brain wanting the instant gratification, instead of holding out and knowing the biggest rewards are to come.
For example, successful podcasters speak of having no listeners when they started out, receiving no immediate feedback, not knowing whether their content was valuable to someone or not. Zero instant gratification, other than maybe the self-satisfaction in the research and recording of it.
So how did their businesses, podcasts, books, YouTube channels, and Instagram followers grow?
Through being consistent EVERY SINGLE DAY, potentially going for months, even years, with little reward, until they reached a tipping point. It is this tipping point where they experienced a reach which was way beyond a cumulative effect. Where suddenly the phone started to ring, the bank balance increased, and a feeling of success began to emerge - all by taking action every single day. The problem is people give up too soon, because they don’t have the patience to realise that things can take a long time.
So what can you do in your life to effectively make effective use of the compound effect?
Introduce small habits:
1. Put a percentage of your wage each month into an investment / account.
2. Pick up the items in the house that are left lying around and put them away rather than letting them build up to overwhelm. Decluttering on a weekly/ monthly basis.
3. Do a ten minute workout a day when you have previously not exercised, building up to 15 minutes and within a month 45 minutes 4/5 times a week. You will not notice results for many weeks but after a few months the results will reveal themselves.
4. Connect with one new person a day, in your contacts or on social media. Step outside your comfort zone and introduce yourself.
5. Reduce your coffee consumption, to maybe two a day.
6. If you are a new business/ service, post regularly on social media and prospect consistently, providing interesting helpful content.
7. If you want to gain more knowledge, read 10 pages of a book a day. Which could lead to reading at least a book a month.
All these things might not seem like much at the time, but by using self-discipline, tracking your progress and asserting your willpower, making these daily changes part of your routine could reap huge rewards for the future.
So today, if you have something that you have been putting off, just go and do it and one day your future self will give you a huge pat on the back.
“You can only control two things in life: Your attitude and your actions”
What actions are you going to take?
Do you have questions, or you simply want to get in touch? Click here.
With love and gratitude,