Are you living your life’s purpose?
“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.―Oprah Winfrey”
For the last 12 months I have been listening to a podcast called the Mindset Mentor hosted by Rob Dial. His podcasts are all about Mindset hence the name), and they are thought-provoking, honest, vulnerable, motivating and authentic. Also, he likes to throw in the odd swear to punctuate his point, which I appreciate.
The podcast introduced me to new learning and reading platforms to enhance productivity
(not to learn to read and write, I think I have just about mastered that skill), and also introduced me to a concept called Ikigai.
*Ikigai is Japanese concept that means "a reason for being”, looking at actions which are spontaneous and willing, achieving satisfaction.
Whenever there is an opportunity for betterment, growth, and self- help, I am always eager to learn, grow and share any philosophies and concepts for continuous improvement.
I first heard about Ikigai around May/June 2020. At that time, I was taking a time-out from teaching and this particular podcast hit a gigantic nerve. The main focus was about thinking about all the things that you love to do, and impacting the world by fulfilling your purpose. I was driving while I was listening to the podcast and the tears just started to flow, so much so, I had to pull over.
I was dealing with a myriad of emotions. I wanted to scream in frustration, I was angry at myself for not living my life’s purpose, for being in a job I had outgrown almost a decade ago but continued in it because it was safe. I wasn’t brave, I was fearful and afraid but knew that in the pit of my stomach I couldn’t carry on in my current role. It was around that time I relinquished my secure, well-paid job and delved into the unknown.
I spent weeks and weeks writing (32,573 words to be precise) about life and loves and adventures. The writing was cathartic and healing and led me to a place where I knew the change had to come. I cried every day for months, mourning the loss of my secure job, knowing I could not turn back, the pain to stay was greater than the pain to leave.
I came to a decision to impact others positively. I wrote down all the things about which I am passionate and at which I excel, and started to research job roles out there in the grown up world.
There it was in front of me, a full time mindset/ life coach.. All the skills that I had acquired through 25 years as an educator, mentor and coach wrapped up into the perfect parcel. Helping others to sensitively let go of the thoughts and habits that no longer served them. Examining and releasing the hurt of holding onto negative thoughts that took up valuable space and energy.
The sleepless nights of excitement started, endless ideas, study, courses, website design, business forums, marketing, networking!! There were days when I thought that my head was literally going to explode into a thousand tiny pieces from information overload.
I am now 6 months into my journey and it has been the antithesis of smooth rides, a “roller coaster in high winds with dodgy brakes and a hole in the carriage” would be a more fitting description.
Do I have any regrets? not one!
Could I have had better timing? maybe?
Do I know what this will all look like in 12 months time? no clue!
Do I have an inner guidance and optimism, that I know everything will work out, whatever that looks like? 100%
My business model has changed with a bigger emphasis on mindset/ life coaching specialising in boundaries, whist I wait for the world to readjust it’s dress, or pull up it’s pants.
For when it does, I will be ready and waiting!
So I want you to ask yourself, right now, are you living your joy? Is there something that you wish to do, but don’t know where to start? I still don’t know where any of this will go, but I do know that despite a worldwide pandemic and a torn meniscus in my left knee, I am happier than I have been in years. Outer circumstances that we cannot control don’t always have to deeply affect our inner world.
If this blog has resonated in any way, drop me an email or call me on 07970 058970
I would simply love to hear from you.
With love and gratitude,